Take care of yourself while caring for your loved one with ATTR-CM

Caring for someone with ATTR-CM is a tremendous act of love and compassion. The care you provide for your loved one is so important—but so is taking care of yourself.

Caring for yourself can help you stay strong so you can continue to support your loved one living with ATTR-CM.

Older couple prioritizing health habits like practicing mindfulness on a beach
Wellness starts with the mind

Prioritize healthy habits like getting enough sleep, managing stress, practicing mindfulness, and connecting socially with others when possible.

Older adult couple on a boat smiling at each other
Small changes can help create healthy habits

Creating a healthier lifestyle can be easier if you start by making small changes to your daily routine that can lead to rewarding results.

Grandparents and grandchildren staying active outdoors
Stay active to help manage your goals

Aim to start your day off with some light stretching to get your body moving or throw on your comfy shoes to go for a walk.

Please consult with your doctor about your exercise limits.